You are here:Conflict of Interest > Disclosures


This procedure covers:

      Create Annual Disclosure

      Create Manual Disclosure

      Update Master Disclosure

      New Project Disclosures to Complete


Completing A COI Disclosure Document

Before You Begin

Before you begin this procedure, you will first need the following:

      Access:  permissions associated with the Reporter or COI Administrator roles

      Time:  the ability to save a draft of a work-in-progress

      Pre-existing Conditions: Records (existing records or documents) that need to be in place first in order to complete this, and any particular Status that is necessary:

      Award documents

      Submitted Institutional Proposal Documents

      Proposal Development Documents

      IRB Protocols

      IACUC Protocols

      Prerequisite Tasks:  The following tasks must be completed prior to initiating this activity:

      Create new Financial Entities

      Maintain/update existing Financial Entities


Prior Procedure Reference:  This procedure continues from “<Financial Entities>” in < New Financial Entity>.