Protocol Submitted


The Protocol Submitted section displays numbered line item rows in table format for each Protocol document that has been submitted to the committee.  Sortable columns display key information about each, including the PI, submission type, date and status, as well as a button that allows you to view the complete Protocol document.

Figure 505 Meeting Document – Protocol Submitted Section Example


Table 558 Meeting Document – Protocol Submitted Section Field Descriptions



Protocol No

The number automatically assigned by the system to the Protocol upon creation (not to be confused with the Document number). 


The Principal Investigator for the Protocol document is displayed.  To view additional detail about the person (for example, contact information), click the direct inquiry icon to view the corresponding Person document.

Protocol Title

The title of the Protocol is displayed.

Submission Type

The type of Protocol document submission is displayed (for example, Initial Protocol Application for Approval).

Sub. Type qualifier

The Submission Type Qualifier selected by the PI.

Sub. Review Type

  Indicates the type of review that is being sought by the committee.

Submission Status

Indicates the current state the Protocol document is in.

Submission Date

Displays the date the PI submitted the Protocol to the committee in mm/dd/yyyy format.


Click the view button to read the Protocol document in its entirety in a new browser window.