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Institutional policies generally require that officers, faculty, staff, and others acting on its behalf avoid ethical, legal, financial, and other conflicts of interest and ensure that their activities and interests do no conflict with their obligations to the institution. Disclosure of financial entities enables the institution to determine if a financial interest creates a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. The existence of a conflict or the appearance of one does not imply wrongdoing and does not necessarily mean that a research may not retain his or her financial interest and undertake the affected research. Often, the institute can work with the researcher to manage a conflict or appearance of a conflict so that the research can continue in a way that minimizes the possibility of a bias and preserves the objectivity of the research. Proper management depends on full and prompt disclosure.

Kuali Coeus provides the ability to disclose and maintain your significant financial interests; identify potential areas of concern related to your proposals, awards, IRB Protocols, and IACUC Protocols, as well as disclosure of reimbursed travel for compliance with recent NIH initiatives.