You are here:Conflict of Interest > New Project Disclosures to Complete

New Proposals for Disclosure


Figure 413 COI New Proposals for Disclosure > hidden view


This section will list the Development Proposals to be disclosed. Expand the Proposals sub-panel by clicking the [>show]  toggle button.


Maintenance note:  The proposals in the list are determined by the Proposal Status codes maintained in the Config Parameter PROPOSAL_DISCLOSE_STATUS_CODES


Figure 414 COI New Proposals for Disclosure > details showing list of proposals


The New Proposals for disclosure sub-panel displays the reporter’s Proposal List.  The identifying information includes Proposal Number, Proposal Name, Sponsor, Start Date, End Date, and Action.


Table 226 COI New Proposals for Disclosure > label descriptions



Proposal Number

The system-generated number assigned to this development proposal document.

Proposal Name

The title of the proposal as entered by the Aggregator.


The name of the sponsor applied to this proposal.

Start Date

The proposed start date for this project

End Date

The proposed end date for this project


Click on “Report Coi” to begin the New Proposal (event) Disclosure.