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New Awards for Disclosure


Figure 468 COI New Awards Disclosure > Disclosure sub-panel with details hidden


This section will list the Awards to be disclosed. Expand the Awards sub-panel by clicking the [>show]  toggle button.


Maintenance note:  The awards in the list are determined by the Status codes maintained in the Config Parameter AWARD_DISCLOSE_STATUS_CODES


Figure 469 COI New Awards Disclosure > Disclosure sub-panel expanded to show details


The New Awards for disclosure sub-panel displays the reporter’s Award List.  The identifying information includes Award Number, Award Title, Award Date, and Action.


Table 234 COI New Awards Disclosure > Disclosure sub-panel> Award List label definitions.



Award Number

The system-generated number assigned to the award document when it was created.

Award Title

The title of the Award. (This may have come from the IP record, but can be entered/revised by the Award Administrator).

Award Date

The start date for this award


Click on “Report Coi” to begin the New Award (event) Disclosure.