You are here:IACUC Committee > Members

Member Details Section


After members have been added in the Add Member section, tabbed sections for each appear below the person selection bubble area of the page.  A section labeled with the member first and last name, followed by their status in parentheses, and then finally the term dates, appears in the folder tab area for each member.  Each such section is comprised of four main subsections, the details for which can be displayed via clicking show/hide buttons.  All but the Contact Information subsection provide your with selection and entry options to specify membership type, term dates, committee roles, and areas of expertise.

Figure 491 Committee Document, Members Page, Member Details Section – Subsections Hidden Example Layout


Table 549 Committee Document, Members Page, Member Details Section – Subsection Descriptions



Person Details

Select a Membership Type, Term Start/End Dates; enter Contact and Training Notes.

Contact Information

View address and phone records from the rolodex (Person document).


Select an IACUC membership Role and Start/End Dates for the role.

link.png  The available roles are modified via the Membership Role maintenance document.


Select research areas to specify Areas of Expertise for the person.



Person Details

Contact Information

