Although this documentation set is delivered by The Kuali Foundation, Inc., it is meant to serve as a starting point from which to customize for your institution based on your unique implementation of the out-of-box product.
While you may provide feedback on this documentation to the Foundation directly from within the help itself as noted in the Documentation Feedback subtopic below, you may edit the help using any HTML editor such as Amaya or Dreamweaver.
The Foundation used the Doc-To-Help help authoring tool to produce the delivered online help. It uses Word source documents to compile help in their proprietary NetHelp target help format, however, this output is in the form of html pages.
It is not necessary to use this product in order to customize the help, however, your institution may elect to purchase and install this product from Component One and use the Word source document version of this documentation as the starting point.
Using the online help
Click the question mark icon to access the help system, which
provides document, page, or section-level help from anywhere in the
Figure 1 Kuali Coeus Context-Sensitive In-Application Help System - E-Doc Help Example
Documentation Feedback
Click the E-Mail icon on the help menu bar from any screen, document or page to immediately provide feedback on a particular help topic.
Figure 2 Topic-Specific In-Application Help E-Mail Feedback