You are here:Conflict of Interest > New Project Disclosures to Complete

Create a New IRB Protocol Disclosure


From the New Projects for Disclosure page, expand the New Protocols for disclosure subpanel, and then click “Report Coi”. This will open new disclosure entry document.

The Document information panel contains the Document ID, Status, Disposition, and Reporter Created, Last Updated, and Disclosure number.


During the disclosure process, you will complete the following steps:

      Enter a description in the Document Overview -

      Review your details in the Reporter subsection

      Review and maintain additional units, if needed, in the Unit Details subsection

      Answer some questions in the Questionnaire subsection, if defined.

      Relate your Financial Entities to your projects in the Projects & Financial Entity Relationships subsection

      Enter a note or upload a document, if appropriate, in the Notes & Attachments subsection

      Certify that the information is complete in the Certification subpanel


The subpanel data requirements are described in the sections below.

Figure 497 New Protocol Disclosure > Disclosure > sub-panels collapsed view.


Document Overview: New Protocol Disclosure

Reporter: New Protocol Disclosure

Questionnaire: New Protocol Disclosure

Project & Financial Entity Relationships: New Protocol Disclosure

Notes & Attachments: New Protocol Disclosure

Certification: New Protocol Disclosure

Disclosure Data Validation:

Disclosure Actions