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Change View Options

KC provides the Award creator/maintainer with the ability to customize the appearance of the report tracking information to best meet their needs.  Users with the Modify Award role are able to choose attributes to customize the view of existing report tracking information.

The change view button causes a popup window to appear that allows you to select an option from a list of predefined views (PI, Award, or Sponsor) that are optimized for target audiences, or a Customize option that allows you to further refine the report display information details to be included by selecting data field attributes by either Group or Detail levels of information.

Figure 1006  Award Reporting Lookup Screen > Change View Popup Window  - PI View Example


Table 477  Award Reporting Lookup Screen > Change View Popup Window  – Field/Button Descriptions



update view

Click the update view  button after you’ve made changes to activate them in the lookup result display table. 

tip.png  This button is located both at the top and bottom of the popup window for your convenience.

View Options

Select the appropriate pre-configured user view option, or customize as desired.

Select the radio button by clicking within the circle to place a dot within it to indicate your selection of the desired option.


Select the desired amount of information display for each field (column). 

Click within the checkbox to select the item.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.

reset custom view

After you’ve updated a customized view, you can reset it to start over by clicking the reset custom view  button.  This clears previously-selected option settings.

update view

Click the update view  button after you’ve made changes to activate them in the lookup result display table. 

tip.png  This button is located both at the top and bottom of the popup window for your convenience.



Clicking the show button allows you to customize the view so that you can display additional fields (columns) of information about a particular Award document within a report.

Figure 1007  Award Reporting Lookup Result Table – Expanded View Example