You are here:Conflict of Interest > Annual Disclosure

Certification – Annual Disclosure


Figure 397 COI Annual Disclosures > Disclosures Page > Certification sub-panel, hidden

The Certification section displays a written statement regarding disclosure of significant financial interests that those responsible for the research may have.  It is provided for you to read and then acknowledge you have read electronically by submitting a certification.  Once you have read the statement, check the box, and then click the submit button to complete this disclosure.


Figure 398 COI Annual Disclosures > Disclosures Page > Certification sub-panel shown, no yet certified



To acknowledge and submit your disclosure certification:


Click within the check box to acknowledge/certify.

Figure 399 COI Annual Disclosures > Disclosures Page > Certification sub-panel, certify checkbox


A check mark appears within the check box to indicate your selection.

The following additional information appears under the certification statement text as a result of the check selection action:

Your name, role (Reporter) and certification date are displayed.

Two action buttons appear:  submit; and print.


Click the submit  button.


The KC system then thanks you by displaying a pop-up dialog window:


Click the OK button.  The submit button is replaced by the current date (certification date)

Optionally, print for your hard copy records.  Clicking the  button causes a browser save/print dialog box to pop up which allows you to save an automatically-generated PDF document suitable for printing locally.

Click the Close button to close this record.