Budget Justification

The Budget Justification section of the Budget Actions page allows users authorized with permissions associated with the Award Budget Modifier role to create, update and delete consolidated budget justification text.  Any user with permission to view an Award Budget document has the ability to generate a PDF of the consolidated budget justification for printing.

Figure 978  Award Budget Document > Budget Actions Page > Budget Justification Section - Example


Table 465 Award Budget Document > Budget Actions Page > Budget Justification Section – Column Descriptions



Last Updated Timestamp

The date and time of the last consolidation action.

Updated By

The username of the last person to consolidate.

Justification Text

This appears after the consolidate button has been clicked.  You can delete existing text manually prior to subsequent consolidation in order to avoid duplication of justification text.

Click the consolidate expense justifications button to command the system to merge all the line item Budget Justification Notes in the Justification Text field.  They will be sorted by Budget Category in the same order as the Budget Categories on the Summary page.  Note:  if you update text here, it is NOT reflected in the line item details.  Subsequent consolidations are separated by a row of asterisks**************.