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Area of Research


The Area of Research section of the Committee page is used to list various areas of research that a committee reviews.  This is done by using a lookup tool to search for, select, and return codes that are added to the section as numbered rows in a table.  These line items display both the code and the textual description of each research area.

Figure 487 Committee Document, Committee Page – Area of Research Section Example


Table 548 Committee Document, Committee Page – Area of Research Section Field Descriptions




To specify the area(s) of research that this committee may review, click the lookupsearchicon icon to search for and return the value(s) to populate the box.  On the Research Areas Lookup screen, specify criteria as desired, click the search button, and then from the result table, click within the checkbox to select the item.  Multiple selections are permitted.  A check mark appears within the checkbox to indicate the item is selected.  Click within the checkbox again to clear the mark and deselect the item.  Click the return selected button.  Your selection(s) appear as numbered line items.

tip.png  If your institution does not have area-specific IACUCs, select All Research Areas.


Click the delete  button as necessary to remove a line item row from the table.  The sequence is adjusted accordingly.