You are here:Conflict of Interest > Master Disclosure > Disclosure Actions

Administrator Action

The Administrator Action section of the Disclosure Actions page allows an Administrator to change the status of the Disclosure and submit it to update the disclosure and disposition status.  The Administrator uses the dropdown menus to make a selections and then clicks the submit button.

For example, when the administrator has assigned the disclosure to reviewers, the Administrator would select the Disclosure Status code: ‘Set Disposition Status’ and the Disposition Code to ‘Under Review by COI Reviewer’ and then submit this status change.  This type of action also updates the status of the Disclosure document itself, which serves as part of the permanent record within the document for archival, search and reporting purposes.

Figure 600  COI > Disclosure Document > Disclosure Actions Page > Administrator Actions Section – Example


Figure 601 COI > Disclosure Document > Document ID header with Disposition Status updated updated by the administrator..


Table 259  COI > Disclosure Document > Disclosure Actions Page > Administrator Actions Section – Field Descriptions



Coi Disclosure Status Code

Select the appropriate option from the list to specify the status of the Disclosure

Use the drop-down  menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

Coi Disposition Code

Select the appropriate option from the list to specify the Disposition status of the Disclosure.  Use the drop-down  menu by clicking the down arrow to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to populate the box with your selection.

submit button

Click the submit  button after you have made the status selections.



The data validation sub-panel assists the reporter in the preparation of the disclosure. If required item are not present, the validation sub-panel is presented to the reporter with an error message describing the requirement.